About Us

Who We Are

Gaumata Sewa Trust

Gaumata Sewa Trust is an inclusive platform that empowers individuals and groups to contribute their fair share of kindness towards the welfare of cows. We serve as an open avenue for people who share a deep reverence for these sacred beings and wish to make a tangible difference in their lives.

At Gaumata Sewa Trust, we understand the significance of collective action and the power of giving. Our mission is to provide a seamless and transparent platform where you can donate to our existing or prospective gaushala projects. By channeling your generosity through this trust, you directly contribute to creating a positive impact on the lives of cows.

With Gaumata Sewa Trust, you have the opportunity to donate your resources, whether it be monetary contributions, volunteering your time, or offering necessary supplies. Our dedicated team ensures that your donations are utilized efficiently and effectively to provide essential care, shelter, and nourishment for cows in need.


Our main aim is to give all protection and love to the cows:

  • To protect cows and bulls throughout their lives by providing shelter, food and other care.
  • To educate society about the necessity of cow protection and the role of cows in society.
  • To engage people in service of the cows.
  • To assist individuals in developing a relationship with cows and become lifetime champions of cow protection.
  • To teach people a simple and more natural way of life.

Gaumata Sewa Trust

Why Choose Us

Transparency is at the core of our operations. We provide regular updates on the progress of our gaushala projects, allowing you to witness firsthand the impact of your generosity. We prioritize accountability, ensuring that every donation is used judiciously and in line with our mission of promoting compassionate Gaumata Sewa Trust.

Giving Love

Natural Way of Life - In our goshala you can experience a more natural way of life and learn how to adopt it.


Provides safe, comfortable shelter for cows and bulls, protecting them from harsh weather.

Healthy Food

Provides nutritious food to the cows & bulls, ensuring they have a balanced diet to maintain their health.

Medical Care

Provides medical care, including vaccinations and treatment, for the animals' healthcare needs.

Become a Volunteer

Change The World for Better Futures

Join us in this noble cause. Together, we can make a significant difference in the lives of cows, preserve our cultural heritage, and foster a harmonious relationship between humans and these divine creatures.


Total Donor



Rs 195,234

Total Donation
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We Can't Help Everyone, But Everyone Can Help Someone.

Donate now to Gaucare and witness the power of your small contribution in bringing about significant change. Your support can make a big difference!

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